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ZERT Coffee & Chaos 008 – The Unprepared Individual & Their Mindset And Plan To Become Prepared

Welcome to the ZERT Coffee & Chaos podcast, a show where we will talk about anything and everything relating to what it means to be prepared and a survivalist in today’s day and age. We will discuss things like training,  realistic life scenarios, and situations that you could really find yourself or your family in; and the gear, training, and mindset that could just save your life.

On today’s show we have Kate Stinson who is about to embark on her journey of what it takes and means to become a survivalist in todays day and age. She listened to one of the past shows and had the realization that she was massively unprepared for what or may not occur in her life. A motorcyclist, gun owner and business owner, Kate is ready to take the next steps to be better prepared. We discuss some of the reservations that she has seen out there when it comes to seeking out training and other females have expressed the same to her. She has started her journey with ZERT and is excited to learn and grow within the community. We also touch on the bad ass designs she has made for ZERT up until now and even hint at some new ones! Join us for an hour of fun and as always, thank you for listening to the ZERT Coffee & Chaos podcast.