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ZERT Coffee & Chaos 104 – Don’t Make Networking Weird

When it comes to being a prepared individual you often find yourself talking about it with people you encounter in your daily life, whether its people you know or people you just met. The survivalism movement is not something new but if you don’t take the right approach it may rub people the wrong way or scared them off completely. Prepping or the art of being prepared is something that everyone should be doing or at least understand, and most people don’t even realize they are doing it. On today’s episode we talk about how to approach the subject and not put people back on their heels right away. There is a lot to this kind of lifestyle and you need to reach people the correct way. An EDC firearm may not always be the best approach but someone understanding the importance of medical training and having a med kit in their car might be what they need to hear. Thanks for listening and please make sure that you are liking and subscribing to the YouTube channels.