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We Like Shooting Double Tap 33 – This is how we die

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

Episode # 33 This is how we die

This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment, Nighthawk Custom, Rand CLP and Rubber Dummies.

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 33, Tonight we talk about tech, we’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear on gear chat revisited. We’ll also watch our resident movie critic review another WLS video!

Our panel tonight, the machine gun moses Aaron Krieger, Jeremy Pozderac,Naked mammal; Nick Lynch, and my name is Shawn Herrin

#Tech news

New Smart gun

# Dear WLS

Nick E

With the fact that most people don’t need a $2000.00 gun they need a $500.00 gun and $1500.00 in training. Gunsite or Thunder ranch or would you recommend another place that would be the same price/length of course.

Frank C

Would you consider changing this segments name from #Dearwls to Dear Flabby? #skinnypeopledontdrinkdietcoke

Kaleb K

Entry level AR-15: Factory built like Ruger AR556 or S&W M&P Sport 2 or/versus Palmetto State assembled gun.

Main purpose: home defense/ self defense, possibly to take to training, and want to be able to upgrade and update later.

Opinions? Any experiences with the entry level guns?

Mike I

AR pistol, Ok I’m trying to decide 7.5 contour wylde 1:7 for $42.99 or a 10.5 m4 contoured 1:7 for 49.99

Michael H

With Jeremy opening his gun range will it be a gay only range just for him and his lovers or will everyone be welcome?

Submit your questions to

# Not Guns
“how do you think the other cast members are going to die?”

# Gear Chat Revisited:

  • Savage1r – Smith and Wesson 6906 mods
  • Aaron –  Tact-Axe

Find us on ALL the social media and our website

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255

We’re here live every week on Monday and Weds. and on demand every damn day. Go to to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and tactical axes for everyone