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This Week in Guns 446 – Tug of War in Federal Court, Polymer80’s Quiet Demise, + More

TWIG 446


Hello everyone and welcome back to This Week in Guns, brought to you by Patriot Patch Company, VZ Grips, MAF Corporation, and FFL Payments. This show offers commentary on the latest firearms industry news, information and buzz. I’m your host Matthew Larosiere and I’m joined by the ratman.


Key Points:
– The Mexican government is determined to somehow extract rent from American gun companies, but is failing in increasingly entertaining ways..
– The 4th Circuit upheld Maryland’s assault weapons ban, demonstrating the ongoing legal battle over a false distinction between civilian and military firearms.
– Polymer80 has quietly shut down, highlighting the significant pressures and challenges faced by firearm-related businesses, including legal battles and regulatory changes.

Mexico Gun Lawsuit Torpedoed Again


4th Cir Upholds Maryland AWB


VZ Grips: ThisWeek15


Polymer80 Quietly Shuts down


Cali’s Gun Rationing: Block, Unblock, Block Again




Second Circuis Says No to QI In Concealed Carry Arrest


In other 2nd Cir News, NYPD Relaxes Permit Requirements


MAF Corp: Fuddbusters


NSSF Pledges to Fight Mass Gun Law


NSSF Accused of Flubbing Colorado Lawsuis


Patriot patch Co. TWIG10



1:43 Federal Court Dismisses Mexican Lawsuit Against Gunmakers
5:01 4th Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Assault Weapons Ban
7:43 Historical Context of Gun Control
11:07 Machine Guns vs Semi-Automatic Firearms Debate
15:10 Principle Distinctions Between Types of Firearms
16:02 Nuances and Concessions in Firearm Legislation
20:25 Concessions Regarding Machine Guns and the NFA
24:32 Legal Challenges with Defaced Serial Numbers
28:17 Sponsor: VZ Grips
29:10 Polymer80 Operations Shutdown and Legal Troubles
35:05 Financial and Operational Struggles of Polymer80
40:16 California’s Gun Rationing Laws and 9th Circuit Decisions
43:18 Qualified Immunity Win and NYPD’s Handgun Permit Regulations
47:06 Sponsor: FFL Payment Processing
48:02 NSSF’s Big Donation, and Big Accusation
52:42 Speculations on NSSF’s Court Behavior
55:15 Fudd Blasters Review Teaser and Patreon Promotion
57:53 Episode Conclusion