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Student of the Gun Radio 1065 – Texas Goes Big with Constitutional Carry

Yes, we can finally report that it is official, Texas Governor Abbott has signed the legislation making the Republic of Texas the 21st state in the union to formally recognize the inalienable right to keep and bear arms.

During our Brownells Bullet Points segment, we follow up on last week’s brief discussion about the commemorative Henry Rifle built to memorialize an American hero. We’ll tell you how you can get one.

Also, for our SOTG Homeroom from CrossBreed Holsters, a kidnapper was stopped at an Iowa elementary school by a lawfully armed citizen. No, it was not a plastic sign that stopped a man from kidnapping an 11 year old girl, but a good guy with a gun did.

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

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