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Student of the Gun Radio 1062 – Judge Overturns CA Assault Weapon Ban

In a shocking turn of events, a Federal Judge read and applied the US Constitution thereby overturning the 32 year old California “Assault Weapon” ban. Don’t go out and buy a cake and balloons just yet. Gun control is all about CONTROL and the tyrants in California are not about to give up control.

What can we expect now that another judge has invalidated an illegal California policy? You can guess for yourself. 

Also, during our Duracoat Featured Firearms segment, Professor Paul has called an audible. Our friends at Samson Manufacturing are making some very interesting accessories for one of Paul’s favorite firearms. Tune in to find out which one.

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

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