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Student of the Gun 1256 – 10yo Expelled for Finger Gun & Men in Uniform

No, this is not an old story, this just happened, again. A 10 year old boy in Tennessee was disciplined and expelled from school for the entire year after he “angrily pointed his finger in the shape of a gun”. Get Your Kids Out of Public Schools! (GYKOPS)

Professor Paul is compelled to once more address the “sacred cow” issue. Not everyone who puts on a uniform is automatically a hero. Some men, and women, who put on uniforms become thugs and criminals for the state. Listen louder before you comment.

Yes, we have a Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. That company had released the new “DCR” optic with a “Danger Close Reticle”. We have a Froglube pro tip of the week and Paul did what he said he was going to do.