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Student of the Gun Radio 1155 – Canadian VA Suggests Vet Kill Himself & Never Surrender

How evil is socialism? How good is socialized medicine? The answer to both of those questions comes from a recently exposed report that a representative from the Canadian VA suggested to a depressed veteran that he could kill himself.

What happens when you surrender to your attacker? During our SOTG Homeroom from CrossBreed Holsters, we related a horrible story about a store clerk who followed all of the professional advice and was murdered for his coopertion.

During our Duracoat Finished Firearm segment we follow up on our Bush War Traditional camo pattern. Also, for our Brownells Bullet Points, Professor Paul has a suggestion for one valuable firearm accessory.

PARTNERS: SDS Imports, Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, Hi-Point Firearms

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