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Student of the Gun Radio 1092 – Bob Gibbs Files Article of Impeachment Against Biden

Citing three specific crimes, Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs filed Articles of Impeachment against the illegitimate occupant of the White House, Sniffy Joe. Rather than cower like Mitch McConnell, Gibbs and numerous other cosigners stepped up and did the right thing.

Also, the legacy or mainstream media treatment of the above story has demonstrated once more their blatant hypocrisy and one-sided news reporting. One has to only look back a year or two to view the difference in reporting from then to now.

Professor Paul considers what to do with the leftover Duracoat you have after you have completed your project. Do you remember the ‘sexy can’ contest? Zach takes us back with a slide show.

PARTNERS: SDS Imports, Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, Hi-Point Firearms

Complete Show Notes Here!