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Student of the Gun Radio 1084 – Mental Health During a Crisis and M24

How can we maintain our mental health during a crisis? Paul and Jarrad will spend some time closely examining and discussing purposeful and deliberate ways we can guard against depression and anxiety.

For our Duracoat Finished Firearm of the Week we will consider Professor Paul’s custom-built M24 style rifle. This .308 Winchester bolt-action rifle is finished in a desert digital pattern. Also, as a bonus Paul will relate why the rifle itself is a bit of a celebrity.

Also, how did the AR-15 become the most popular rifle in the United States? This was not always the case. We will consider what changed to make the black rifle number one.

PARTNERS: SDS Imports, Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, Hi-Point Firearms

Complete Show Notes Here!