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Student of the Gun Radio 1082 – “You Don’t Need Guns to be Safe.” -Taliban

Taking a page from the American left and Democrats, the Taliban is disarming the people and telling them that they no longer need guns to be safe. To reinforce that fact, the Taliban is also executing anyone who disagrees with them or is critical of their regime.

The failure of the criminal Biden regime becomes more glaring and self-evident each day as they took years of stability and threw it away overnight. For a party that claims to care so much about “women’s rights”,  how can they excuse the total abandonment of those we promised to protect?

Also, during our Duracoat Finished Firearm segment, Professor Paul introduces us to what he called the “Universal Key”. Just what is that? Tune in and find out.

PARTNERS: SDS Imports, Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

Complete Show Notes Here!