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Student of the Gun Radio 1081 – How Democrats Betrayed our Allies and 9/11 Anniversary

There is no way to deny that Sniffy Joe Biden and his Democrats in Washington betrayed our allies and the people of the United States. We have evidence of such and will relate it to you in detail, in case you don’t believe.

During our Brownells Bullet Points, Professor Paul poses a question. Do you want to behave like an American and build your own handgun? If so, you might be excited about what Brownells has to offer. 

For this week’s SOTG Homeroom from CrossBreed Holsters, Paul reminds us that the time to be prepared to be dangerous on demand is right now. As an added benefit, our friends at CrossBreed have something special for you. Also, SOTG officially welcomes a new sponsor to the family.

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

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