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Student of the Gun Radio 1064 – Your Name is on the List

Is your name on the list? The Sniffy Joe Administration admitted that it has a plan to create an enemies list of those not willing to bow and scrape before the Federal Ruling Class. Do you know who else kept lists? The National Socialist German Workers Party famously kept lists of “unreliable persons”. Are you okay with this? 

We have a Duracoat Finished Firearm of the Week for you once more. This week, Professor Paul will display another of his Duracoat custom jobs on a Canik USA 9mm pistol.

Also, we have a follow up to last week’s discussion of the Colorado plan to create a predator problem where there is none. One sentence sums up the mindset of liberal Democrats and it really had nothing to do with wolves.

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

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