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Student of the Gun Radio 1051 – West Virginia 2A Sanctuary & 3 Minutes of Reason

West Virginia became the latest state to stand up the overreach and tyranny of the criminal regime in DC.  The West Virginia legislature passed numerous protections for the citizens of that state against criminal behavior by the Federal government.

We have another Duracoat Finished Firearm for you from Duracoat University. This week Professor Paul will show off a Century Arms Canik TP9DA pistol that he duracoated himself.

Do you have 3 minutes to sit and listen to the voice of reason? We have audio from Dan Monroe. Dan points out several very troubling questions and answers. Are you willing to stop and think for yourselves?

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, SWAT Fuel

Complete Show Notes Here!