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LRA 014 – Mark Lang from Tacflow Academy

Name- Mark Lang

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Title- Director of Sniper Training, Tacflow Academy

What set you apart- We are the innovators of public venue training. Since 2008 our team has developed, expanded & sustained public venue training in the U.S. & Canada at over 23 venues. Our training provides for more than just live fire sniper training but also teaches the important impact the police sniper can have by bringing back Best Practices and educating not only law enforcement but also the venue industry for the ultimate goal of protecting venues & large scale events.

Items we will discuss tonight-

1- Origins of public venue training

2- Progression of training venues from limited use to Super Bowl venues

3-Partnerships with key manufacturers such as MGM Targets

4- Large Caliber Rifle Instructor course and growth of 338 LM & 50 BMG’s in law enforcement

5- Aerial Platform Operations and the continue growth of this important asset with LE agencies with helicopters and SWAT teams

6- I began writing 5 years ago and have several published works and online articles.

7- How do Depts get you to come help?