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Let’s Go Hunt 068 – Giraffes are Drones: Vince Plays Ketchup and Mike is Dead

Welcome back to another episode of Let’s Go Hunt! – the everyman’s hunting and outdoor podcast.. We aren’t experts, but we’re out there doing it. Join us on our journey!  As always we have:

 Mike Gonçalves, who misses every shot he takes

Sam Alexander, lead munchkin of the munchkin correctional officer corps.

Dave Packard, who is not ready for this heat

And I’m Vince H, just trying to remember what I did this time


Tonight!  We are catching up and memorializing the recent loss of a cast member who was crushed be technical issues.


  • My name is Mike. I am dead. Ded ded. Like I ate too many TV dinners and four tablespoons of imodium and crawled under the porch where my bloated corpse can be feasted upon by cockroaches and rats.


  • Hoping to draw my elk tag


  • I don’t have much to talk about. I’m just here for the beer.


  • I have been reloading to stock back up on my blasting ammo after a couple seasons of competitions 
  • I have been exploring the fetid fun of bird butchery
  • One bird has already been cooked with…mixed results
  • Squirrel hunting is more fun when the squirrels show up
  • Trout fishing have been pursued and…have lived to swim another day
  • Fooding has continued and apparently I can’t cook a good venison steak 
  • VDSM
  • Still building ships but whatever

Outro – Dave

Support the sport and take a buddy hunting!  Get some trauma training.  If you enjoy us, share us with your friends and family!    Follow us on Instagram @letsgohuntpodcast and Reddit at r/LetsGoHuntPodcast. Check the show notes for info on Initiative 91, the ban on cat hunting in Colorado.  Thanks for listening and Let’s Go Hunt! 

Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management


Initiative 91 – Bobcat, Mountain Lion, Lynx hunting ban