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Let’s Go Hunt 062 – Anger-ler: GLFA Accuracy Impressions, Ducks, and Food

Intro – Mike

Welcome back to another episode of Let’s Go Hunt! – the everyman’s hunting and outdoor podcast.. We aren’t experts, but we’re out there doing it. Join us on our journey!  As always we have:

Dave Plowman, crack pour.

Vince H,  who had a shitty time today.

Sam Alexander, subject to the whims of the central committee.

And back from shooting the Grail, I’m Mike Gonçalves. 



  • I Shot the GLFA Lorge Action AR10 .30-06  today.  First impressions: it shot like an AR.  The safety is a bit sticky, but that will likely wear in.  The trigger is milspec.  Shoots like a milspec.
  • Future upgrades: FDE grip, silent capture spring,and some sort of bipod.
    The holes in the target were way too big
  • Sunday duck – Starting with Fish Squeezer’s recommendation to go to a river. 
    I set up in the wrong spot.  Waited two hours and went to a different spot, road hunting on the way
  • Monday duck:
    Set up in the right spot.  There was less activity, but birds nonetheless.  Just as I was about to road hunt, I got action.


  • I don’t have  much to report.
  • I’m here for commentary and jolks.


  • Note: Saving this for the next episode.
  • Preferred magnification range for a hunting scope. The long standing opinion seems to point to 3-9×40. My optic for the past year has been a 5-25×56, which I found to be a bit too bulky and heavy. Currently looking at 3-18×50 as a happy middle ground.
  • Touch on differences between western style backcountry hunting and hunting in midwestern and eastern states with much shorter lines of sight.
  • Speaking of optics, Mike had a question about diopter adjustments on the Warhawk he mounted to the GLFA Long Action .30-06.


  • I am Slowly picking up new(ish) parts for the kid’s hunting rifle.
  • I made my cheese dip with deer tenderloin and it was delicious. 
  • I’m still on the wait list for the ODWC Trapping Workshop. 
  • I got the Mitchell Defense BCG for my do everything rifle.

Outro – Dave

Support the sport and take a buddy hunting!  Get some trauma training.  If you enjoy us, share us with your friends and family!    Follow us on Instagram @letsgohuntpodcast and Reddit at r/LetsGoHuntPodcast. Check the show notes for info on Initiative 91, the ban on cat hunting in Colorado.  Thanks for listening and Let’s Go Hunt! 

Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management


Initiative 91 – Bobcat, Mountain Lion, Lynx hunting ban