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  • Gun and Gear Review 120 – Browning X-Bolt Hells Canyon Speed, Vortex Golden Eagle HD, Ithaca M37 Trench Gun, NiteSite Viper IR Viewer

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Gun and Gear Review 120 – Browning X-Bolt Hells Canyon Speed, Vortex Golden Eagle HD, Ithaca M37 Trench Gun, NiteSite Viper IR Viewer

This week Chad, Tony and special guest Matt from the Geeks Gadgets & Guns podcast join me as we discuss the Browning X-Bolt Hell’s Canyon Speed Rifle, Vortex Optics Golden Eagle, the comeback of the Ithaca Model 37 Trench Gun, and the NiteSite Viper IR Viewer. Matt Martin reviews the FNX 45 Tactical, and Chad reviews the Hipertouch EDT3 Trigger.

For all the show notes and back episodes, head over to firearmsradio.tv/gun-and-gear-review-podcast